Liberdy’s Ecosystem

Liberdy’s Ecosystem - On this happy occasion, we will review about the kinds of ecosystems found on the Lioberdy project. But before we describe it, we must know Liberdy's understanding.

The Liberdy Data Foundation is re-licensing future permission-based advertising with the Data Foundation, backed by blockchain technology, which rewards users for their data usage.

Liberdy creates a new advertising ecosystem that's rooted in data-driven advertising opportunities. The new infrastructure re-balancing the Adtech ecosystem with unprecedented advertising and user privacy controls.

Liberdy rewards users for usage of their anonymized, accurate data for advertising through its Data Foundation, its personal Passport and Permission-based DMP:
  • The Data Foundation - Puts the users in control of their data by setting the rules for data usage, privacy and data sharing. Every advertiser that wants to access this data, must agree to the terms of use set by the Data Foundation committees. The LIB token powers the data exchange ecosystem.
  • Liberdy Passport - Users opt-in to anonymously provide their data to the Data Foundation through the Passport. All data shared is secured and controllable creating a new standard in privacy on the Internet. Beyond privacy, the Passport helps users enjoy tailored digital experiences that match their profile.
  • Permission-based data management platform - A new consent-based DMP will empower advertisers with unmatched, unique and reliable data, which previously was unavailable outside the walled gardens of Facebook and Google. 

Liberdy’s Ecosystem

  • Rewards - get rewards for the data they already share with Google and Facebook
  • Control - Keep control of the shared data
  • Privacy - ensure data is anonymized

  • Generate new revenue streams with Liberdy passport
  • Capitalize on new GDPR regulatory opportunities
  • Obtain user-consent to using of their data

  • Removing the biased advantages that FB and Google have
  • Harness international data warehouse
  • Access top-notch consent based data
  • Benefit from precised, verified data on the blockchain

Liberdy's Team

The team is comprised of Adtech industry veterans committed to growing a user-safe ecosystem that
generates invaluable data for advertisers.

Liberdy's Financial

Token info
  • Token: LIB
  • Token for sale: 300,000,000 LIB
  • Token supply: 1,000,000,000 LIB

Investment Info
  • Soft cap: 5,000,000 USD
  • Hard cap: 30,000,000 USD
  • Restricted countries: No restrictions

Conclusions and References

That is the explanation of Liberdy that we can describe, Hopefully what is presented here can be used as learning, knowledge, and infinite benefits. Well teruntuk you who want to deeper information from this Liberdy project, can directly visit some of the following reference links:

Author: Bredd6767

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