HOME LOANS - Cryptocurrency Backed by RealL Estate 100%

Source: https://www.facebook.com/HLCoin/
Do you already know about Home Loans? Well, Home Loans is an experienced team that has been working in real estate for over a decade and especially with real estate loans over 4 years (licensed for microfinance activities from the Russian Federation Finance Ministry from 2013) and IT development for more than 5 years decided to create a Home Loans platform.

Home Loans is a platform for investment in loans secured by real estate around the world, built on the basis of the Ethereum platform. Token HlCoin platforms will be provided with the real estate objects and will be traded at crypto exchanges. Home Loans platform uses complex algorithms to predict creditworthiness of all customers and in just 20 minutes a borrower can get their very first the first loan to purchase real estate in his her life just from their smartphone.

All customers have an ability to pay less interest and have a higher credit rating, if they use our platform more often. All aggregated Big Data and Credit Histories are stored on the Blockchain. Thousands of investors have access to millions of new customers that we bring into the world economy and millions of people will have the opportunity to purchase a property anywhere in the world.

Home Loans Products

The international lending platform for real estate Home Loans provides for such types of loans as:
  • Loans for housing under construction.
  • Loans for secondary housing.
  • Loans for commercial real estate.
  • Loans for land purchase.
  • Loans for own property.

Proposed Benefits

Home Loans For The Crypto Community (Creation of A Crypto-Ecosystem)

Our goal is to help private investors and business working on the basis of blockchain technology to significantly expand its client base by accessing our real estate lending platform and mobile marketing for business. According to our long-term strategy, Home Loans should become part of the cryptosystem. In the future, we are considering integration with the following hightech products:
  • Everex - Cross-border payment system and supply of crypto funds for borrowers.
  • Civic - Improvement of the procedure for identification and verification of borrowers.
  • Cosmos - The network and infrastructure for interaction between the blockers.

Home Loans For Business (Attracting New And Returning Old Customers)

The business model is extremely simple. Service (mobile application HOME LOANS)
leads the client to the partner (counterparty). If the client makes a purchase or uses
the service then the seller returns a part of the amount in HLCoin (provided free of
charge to the platform) to the customer (borrower) as Cashback, and in traditional
money to the account of HOME LOANS. This motivates borrowers to come to our
partners and make purchases - mobile lid generator. Now business does not need
to spend huge money on advertising to attract customers - they will come

Home Loans For People

It gives people the opportunity to buy property without resorting to traditional methods like banks. The platform has its own scoring system which analyzes borrower’s credit history and analyzes HLCoin production in the mobile application HOME LOANS. It gives better chances for the borrower whose credit history was damaged due to circumstances beyond his control.

Home Loans For Local Partners (Global Business Scaling)

We developed business development algorithms in new countries which are based on our work experience and extensive studies of markets and legal segments. We are going to launch an international franchise after launching the platform. We will share with our franchisees all necessary market research, knowledge of risk management, know-how in the field of loan assessment.

Home Loan Team

Home Loans started our activities as a company in 2011. Home Loans is fully focused on real estate and real estate lending since 2013 aimed at providing an optimal solution for our clients.

  • VALENTINA KATZ - CEO & Founder
  • IRINA MANDRIK - CEO & Co-Founder

Well that's a little explanation or review of a dedicated project. Hopefully this article can you understand and useful. For more details, you can visit the official link here: Website | Whitepaper.

Author: Bredd6767
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1204015

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